We Pinpoint Your VulnerabilitiesEarly-on in Newsura’s “life,” we concluded that our country’s business, legal and regulatory climates had become so complex that a more scientific approach to identifying, analyzing, diagnosing and addressing each client’s risks had become an absolute necessity.
Based on that insight, we started developing the “Circle of Risk℠” which is and will continue to be a work in progress.
With the “Circle of Risk℠,” we take a market segment-by-market segment approach in determining what specific types of risks… Litigant / Litigation, Event / Property and Business Risks could take the target type of business, professional practice or organization “down and out for the count.”
The reason for the market segmentation is that the nuances of the risks that Coding & Billing Companies need to deal with are different from those that Emergency Medical Groups need to deal with and both of those are different from the risks that a Non-Profit Community Hospital faces. Over time, our objective is to create 170 sets of risks, one for each Healthcare Industry market segment. Each set will include a MACRO SREENING Tool which we will use to isolate each client’s biggest “global” risks.
What we deliver TODAY is a MICRO SCREENING Tool which will diagnose your Medical Professional Liability Risk. It’s an on-line set of 100 easy-to-answer questions that take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The results can be scored, benchmarked and compared with others.
Other types of MICRO Screenings for Directors & Officers Risk, Fiduciary Risk, Government Compliance Risk, Human Resources Risk, and so on, are under development.
Also under development are EXPERT AUDITS which are coupled with ADVICE & COUNSEL, if needed, on specific subjects, like HR.
1. We Work in Dedicated Teams
The “pond” we swim in is the U.S. Healthcare industry. It’s made up of more than 170 market segments. A “market segment” is a distinct type of business, professional practice or organization. Examples of each are a Coding / Billing Company, an Emergency Medical Group...
3. We Deliver Custom-Tailored Insurance Protection
Our clients have told us that their professional lives have become so chaotic that they no longer have time to do business with multiple insurance vendors. Their “plates” are just too full for that. As a result, we’ve brought every type of Property / Casualty...
4. We Attack Risk at its Roots
Risk is a fact of life. Every business, practice and organization needs to deal with risk and its cost. The Total Cost of Risk is all of the time, the trouble and the expense you go to in protecting your livelihood from the risk of loss. Our objective, in identifying,...