We Deliver Custom-Tailored Insurance ProtectionOur clients have told us that their professional lives have become so chaotic that they no longer have time to do business with multiple insurance vendors. Their “plates” are just too full for that. As a result, we’ve brought every type of Property / Casualty Insurance you could possibly need to protect your business, professional practice or organization, plus the insurance expertise to back them up, under one roof.
- Auto Liability & Physical Damage Insurance
- Business Liability Insurance
- Business Property Insurance
- Catastrophe Insurance…
- Earthquake
- Flood
- Forest Fire
- Hurricane
- Tidal Surge
- Tornado
- Tsunami
- Crime & Employee Dishonesty Insurance
- Cyber & Privacy Insurance
- Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
- Employment Practices Liability Insurance
- ERISA Bonds
- Excess Liability Insurance
- Fiduciary Liability Insurance
- Government Regulatory Compliance Insurance
- Inland Marine Insurance
- License Defense Insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance
- Workers’ Compensation Insurance
How do we find the best insurance solutions? SHORT TERM, we go shopping in the worldwide insurance marketplace with a specific type of client in mind, like an Emergency Medical Group, a specific list of what they typically need and ten criteria for picking the best “off-the-shelf” insurance products.
We categorize the results into three “tiers”…
- Tier 1 Insurers
Meet all ten criteria and will be reliable partners through thick and thin. - Tier 2 Insurers
Don’t meet all ten criteria, are typically opportunists and will leave you high and dry when claims frequency or severity develops. - Tier 3 Insurers
Are to be avoided like a plague for a variety of reasons… less than A- (Excellent) AM Best rating, ”handcuffing” coverage, financial instability, etc.
LONG-TERM, our strategy is to make “strength in numbers” work for each market segment. That means we aggregate and leverage our clients buying power to create “Outside-of-the-Box” Insurance Solutions.
The good news to date is that, despite our modest size, we’ve succeeded in developing a new generation of insurance solutions that take a “Prevention First / Insurance is the Backstop” approach to reducing risk and preventing the need to resort to the insurance. The first product off the “assembly line” is a Medical Professional Liability Insurance product for physicians, their practices or their medical groups. It’s saved our ER and Radiology groups from a low of 11% to a high 67% and an average 36.5% in annual premium.
1. We Work in Dedicated Teams
The “pond” we swim in is the U.S. Healthcare industry. It’s made up of more than 170 market segments. A “market segment” is a distinct type of business, professional practice or organization. Examples of each are a Coding / Billing Company, an Emergency Medical Group...
2. We Pinpoint Your Vulnerabilities
Early-on in Newsura’s “life,” we concluded that our country’s business, legal and regulatory climates had become so complex that a more scientific approach to identifying, analyzing, diagnosing and addressing each client’s risks had become an absolute necessity....
4. We Attack Risk at its Roots
Risk is a fact of life. Every business, practice and organization needs to deal with risk and its cost. The Total Cost of Risk is all of the time, the trouble and the expense you go to in protecting your livelihood from the risk of loss. Our objective, in identifying,...