We Work in Dedicated TeamsThe “pond” we swim in is the U.S. Healthcare industry. It’s made up of more than 170 market segments. A “market segment” is a distinct type of business, professional practice or organization. Examples of each are a Coding / Billing Company, an Emergency Medical Group and a Non-Profit Community Hospital.
Newsura’s business model couples the energy of teamwork with the power of focus by organizing ourselves into teams of people who “eat, sleep and breathe” the healthcare industry market segment that the team is dedicated to.
This organizational structure maximizes our ability to deliver the VIP treatment you deserve. Over time, you can expect to experience its value in a number of ways…
- We join your team bringing with us an in-depth understanding of how you make a living.
- It prepares us to ask the right questions to understand the nuances of your business, practice or organization and identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that you face.
- It sets the stage for a great, long-term relationship that is grounded on your point of view, treats your business as if it were our business and puts your best interests before anyone else’s, including our own.
- It allows our Market Segment teammates to wear a variety of “Virtual” hats in managing your insurance portfolio throughout the year, including…
- Business Advisor
- Risk Analyst
- Risk Manager
- Safety Consultant
- Claims Consultant
- Insurance Advisor
- Professional Insurance Buyer
- Insurance Portfolio Administrator
- And, your Research & Development Partner, if you’ve got a compelling idea
- It includes built-in work processes that take the insurance burden off of your / your staff’s “plates.”
- You will be able to reach your Market Segment teammates 24 x 7 x 365 because bad things can happen after normal business hours, over weekends and even on holidays.
- Your business will get done quickly and efficiently, oftentimes in a matter of minutes rather than hours or days.
- It allows you to tap into what we’ve learned about the “pond” that you swim in due to our “forest versus the trees” national experience and perspective.
2. We Pinpoint Your Vulnerabilities
Early-on in Newsura’s “life,” we concluded that our country’s business, legal and regulatory climates had become so complex that a more scientific approach to identifying, analyzing, diagnosing and addressing each client’s risks had become an absolute necessity....
3. We Deliver Custom-Tailored Insurance Protection
Our clients have told us that their professional lives have become so chaotic that they no longer have time to do business with multiple insurance vendors. Their “plates” are just too full for that. As a result, we’ve brought every type of Property / Casualty...
4. We Attack Risk at its Roots
Risk is a fact of life. Every business, practice and organization needs to deal with risk and its cost. The Total Cost of Risk is all of the time, the trouble and the expense you go to in protecting your livelihood from the risk of loss. Our objective, in identifying,...